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Dear Sacred Heart and St. Mary on the Lake,

Save the Date! Our own parish daughter, Sr. Francis de Sales Czeiszperger, (Amber Czeiszperger) will be taking her first vows on Thursday, July 27th, at 9:30 am at a Mass held at Christ the King Parish in Ann Arbor, Michigan. (4000 Ave Maria Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105)

To RSVP please go to

Sr. Francis de Sales entered the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist three years ago. In discerning a call to be a part of the community, the path she follows is one year of Postulancy, two years in the Novitiate, and then temporary vows for a period of five years. The vows she takes now are temporary and will be repeated during these five years, if she continues to feel called and the Community recognizes a call. If after this time both she and the community are confident in her calling, then she would take final vows.

She would love to have you there. These Masses where these vows are taken are very beautiful and encouraging. We are certainly blessed to have an opportunity to attend a Mass where we personally know one of the women taking those vows. If you are not able to attend, please keep her in your prayers on this special day.

Here is a bit of her story:

“The seed of a religious vocation has always been planted in my soul. As I have grown, I have gradually discovered (and continue to discover) what that means. At the beginning of high school, I let religious life ‘sit on the back burner’ because of all the career options that I saw before me.

“Then the summer before my junior year I attended a retreat that refocused my search for God’s Will in my life. I began to talk to Father Todd Koenigsknecht, my parish priest, about my possible vocation. He suggested that I attend an upcoming vocational discernment retreat with the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. It was one of the most peaceful and clarifying experiences I ever had, and I was blessed to talk to Sister Joseph Andrew! After this retreat, I gradually discerned that God made me to be a Dominican.

“I love to study, to be a part of a close-knit community, to be devoted to our Mother Mary and to adore the Blessed Sacrament. As I continued to pray about it, I realized that I found that ‘at home feeling’ that so many Sisters describe, with the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. I cannot wait for the adventure that God has planned for me with them!”

The parish offices will be closed this coming Tuesday, July 18th, so that all of us as staff can attend our annual day of retreat. This year Sr. Sarah Burdick from the Servants of God’s Love will be leading us. It is always so good to have this intentional day away with the Lord to be called anew and be filled up. Please keep us in your prayers. We will still have our evening Holy Hour and Mass that evening.

God Bless,

Fr. Todd

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