Christian Services
Parish Nursing – Ministers to and addresses the physical needs of all parishioners. This outreach to the parish family happens through health education, health maintenance (flu and blood pressure screening clinics), as well as medical support during Masses and large events.
Food Pantry – Volunteers help one Friday a month from 10:00 am – noon to assist the needy people in the area by packing up food for them from our food pantry.
Parish Life
Knights of Columbus – A fraternal and mutual aid order of Catholic men founded on the principals of charity, unity and fraternity. Open to practicing men over age 18. Contact Council #3221 by contacting Robert Stein at 517-260-3729.
Prayer Chain – This group intercedes the needs in our parish. To add a loved one to the prayer chain, please email Pam Faust. pfaust5942@gmail.com
St. Joseph Workers/Cleanup Crew – Maintains the beautiful grounds of the parish and rectory.
Faith Formation
Continuing Christian Development is a program for children and youth not attending a Catholic school. The goal is to develop an awareness of the riches of the Catholic tradition and to encourage the spiritual and moral growth of young persons. Through learning experiences, prayer, and development of community spirit, dedicated catechists reinforce the Catholic Christian atmosphere of the family.
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, and defense of the priesthood. The Order is consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Order is unequivocal in its loyalty to the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth. It is firmly committed to the protection of human life, from conception to natural death, and to the preservation and defense of the family. It was on these bedrock principles that the Order was founded over a century ago and remains true to them today.

A person who has a love of God's word and chooses to proclaim it publicly exercises the role of a lector. That person then meets with the ministry coordinator for instruction and orientation. The lector begins serving by a prepared weekend schedule, and by rotation on a voluntary basis for Holy Days, prayer services, Holy Week, etc.
This ministry involves the lector with two important tools, the Bible and the Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers. It is through a lector's love and understanding of God's Word that the proclamation of faith community comes alive.
Engagement Committee
The St. Mary on the Lake and the Sacred Heart Engagement Committees come together with Fr. Todd to assist him in planning engaging opportunities for our Parishes. Thank you all for your dedication!
St. Mary on the Lake Members: Doug Gillies, Barb Gillies, Diane Linsner, Jen Loar, Jared Meyers, Dawn Nicoson, Doug Nicoson, and Erin Schwartz.
Pastor: Fr. Todd
Sacred Heart Members: Patty Button, Ann Emerick, Dan Emrick, Mary Ann Kingsley, Ali Moreno, Sara Moreno, & Annie Shaw.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the restoration of an ancient process of discerning and ritualizing stages of conversion, leading to sacramental initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) into the Catholic Church.
It is a formative process involving past and present teachings, traditions and rites. The responsibility of the parish community in the RCIA process is through its witness, worship, service and catechesis. The community offers the invitation and support necessary for these men and women.
Each year in the United States, there are thousands and thousands of adults, either never baptized, or baptized in another Christian denomination, who become Catholic.
I want to form an RCIA team made up of members of the parish to help with the instruction of these new candidates and catechumens and also as support staff - to provide snacks, to be sponsors or godparents and to assist with the various rites and meetings and retreats or simply to provide an interested "ear" to a newcomer. RCIA will most likely meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. If it turns out that potential candidates cannot meet on Tuesdays, we would change the meeting to a different night of the week.
If you are interested in helping out with the RCIA team in one capacity or another, give me a call.
When someone begins RCIA, they are not committing themselves to becoming Catholic at that time. In the first stage of RCIA, called the Inquiry Period, a person makes no other commitment than to begin finding out what Catholics believe. It is only at the Rite of Catechumenate (around the First Sunday of Advent) that the individual is asked to become a catechumen - a learner of the Faith. That lasts up through Lent when the catechumens are asked to make another commitment - that of the Elect - those who have elected or chosen to become Catholic at the Easter Vigil. Those who are already baptized make a profession of faith as Catholics and are confirmed and make their First Holy Communion as Catholics.
At any time, if a candidate does not feel ready to take the next step, they are certainly free to "put themselves on hold." We need your help in asking possible candidates to consider RCIA this year. I will be happy to speak to anyone to explain the RCIA program to them in greater detail. Since these folks are not members of the parish, they will not see my invitation to consider becoming Catholic. We need you to invite them to become part of us!
Finance Committee
The Finance Council Committee prepares the annual budget, and reviews its implementation. It advises the Pastor on matters of administration, fund raising, and facilities. It assists in coordinating the maintenance and upkeep of the parish buildings and grounds.
Members: Fr. Todd koenigsknecht, Deacon John Amthor, Ruth Ann Brietzke, Peggy Jeffery, Tom Nichols and Gary Palazzolo (Chair)