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Deacon's Corner
Deacon 8/11/2024
The daily Gospel last Monday was a story that almost every Catholic learns at a young age. Matthew 14:13-21 tells about the miracle of...
7/14/2024 Deacon's Corner
Kimberly and I have been spending time this summer at our home near Gaylord and traveling in our motor home. This past week we made a...
July 7, 2024
“Give me liberty or give me death!” shouted Patrick Henry to the Second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775. It was the dawn of the...
June 30, 2024
As part of the last Catholic generation to remember what it was like before Vatican II, I never learned how to pray from the heart. I...

6/23/24 Deacon's Corner
In the Gospel today, Jesus is in a boat with the apostles crossing the Sea of Galilee. It’s a trip they often make. Suddenly, a raging...
June 16, 2024
Last Sunday, Kimberly and I attended Mass at St. Francis of Assisi - a small, historical church nestled in the Smoky Mountains outside of...
May 19, 2024
Discipleship – the sequel. As I mentioned in my last homily, Christian discipleship means following Jesus and imitating his life. But...
May 5, 2024 Deacon's Corner
Why do we pray “Lord, have mercy” at the beginning of Mass? We do so to acknowledge our sinfulness and ask God for forgiveness. This is...
Deacon's Corner 4/21/2024
As you read in Fr. Todd’s cover letter for this bulletin, the combined parish staffs have been working to develop a framework for Parish...

Meet Evelyn, again. Seven years ago, I wrote about my 3-year-old energetic, somewhat precocious but always adorable, red-headed niece in...
Deacon's Corner 3/24/2024
Thank you for the positive feedback I received from many of you about my homily last weekend. I’ve been asked to share the surrender...
Deacon Corner 3/10/2024
What does it mean to be an “active” Catholic? That’s a good question because I’ve never really seen or heard a good definition. Many...
Deacon’s Corner - February 25, 2024
When I think of fasting during Lent, I think of giving up or not doing something I really like. The opposite of fasting is “feasting”. ...

January 28, 2024
I’m always amazed at the things we take for granted in everyday life that can be traced back to our faith. Here’s a good story about the...

January 14, 2024
Last Monday, January 8, was the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Even though by then many Christmas trees had already made their way to...

Deacon's Corner 12/31/2023
Happy New Year! Did you know that our Knights of Columbus Council will celebrate its 75th anniversary this year since it was founded?...
Deacon's Corner 12/17/2023
********************* CALLING ALL MEN!!! ******************** You are invited to join us in January for a men’s retreat the weekend of...
Deacon's Corner 12/3/2023
Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent, and as I have mentioned before, it always sneaks up on me. Maybe because it came so quickly after an...
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