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Dear Sacred Heart and St. Mary on the Lake,

Two upcoming events to mention: The first is for this summer. June 2nd /3rd we will have a home enthronement ceremony of the Sacred Heart for those would like to join us. We will consecrate ourselves to Jesus and His Sacred Heart and then enthrone an image of His Heart in your homes. We will be providing packets for those who would like to join in this consecration. The packet will include the following: an 8x10 framed image of the Sacred Heart, a printed Pastor and family ceremony book, a packet of salt for blessing the home, and a Family Consecration Prayer Card. There will be a 15-20 minute service after each of the Masses for those who join us. Fr. Jim Grau, a priest from Detroit and ordained a year ahead of me, described well the meaning of this practice:

“I was so grateful that the Men of the Sacred Hearts could come to lead a home enthronement ceremony at St. John Vianney Parish for the Feast of Christ the King this year. Last year at the feast, I had spoken about the importance of letting Christ reign over us as individuals -- he calls us by name, and we have to decide to let him be Lord of each corner of our hearts. But it’s an important step for a family to decide together to let Christ reign over their homes. That commitment becomes more public, and you learn to support each other in that commitment. Jesus called the first disciples individually by name, but almost immediately his mission extended to families - siblings Peter and Andrew; James and John; Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Enthroning the Sacred Heart in the home is a way of gathering together like they did, and deciding that despite what may go on outside these walls, here in this home, Christ is King.

“When I was in college, there was a stained-glass window of the Sacred Heart above the tabernacle. Under the image was a text from the book of Proverbs: ‘My son, give me your heart.’ Jesus asks for our hearts, but he speaks those words while pointing to his own Heart, as if to say without saying it, ‘I've given you everything I have.’ That’s the kind of King that we enthrone in our homes. He is God and Lord, but he is also meek and humble of heart. Sometimes it may seem he asks for a lot, but he has won our commitment by giving us his own Heart first. When he asks, ‘give me your heart,’ the natural response becomes ‘why not?’ It’s learning to serve Christ the King in the spirit of what he told his disciples at the Last Supper before he gave his life for them: ‘I no longer call you slaves, but friends.’”

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The second event is the priestly ordination Mass for Deacon Seamus Kettner. He will be ordained Saturday, June 10th at St. Mary’s Cathedral. The Mass will begin at 10:30am. These are very powerful Masses made all the more moving when you know one of the people being ordained. He will be coming to Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s Sunday, June 25 th for Masses of Thanksgiving. He will celebrate the 9:30am Mass at St. Mary’s and the 11:00am Mass at Sacred Heart with a light reception following the 11:00am Mass. (Perhaps the 8:00am as well if he feels up to it!) I thank you all for the role you have played in his discernment and formation. Your prayers and encouragement during his time here had a great impact. It will be a blessing to welcome him back. He will be serving as a priest for his first assignment at St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Student Center in East Lansing, MI.

God Bless,

Fr. Todd Pastor

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