In helping each parish, and grouping of parishes, come up with a strategic pastoral plan, the Diocese is working from their vision of a healthy Parish:
A healthy parish in the Diocese of Lansing is led by a priest striving for health and holiness, equips and empowers parish staff, makes and forms missionary disciples, and seeks the lost and serves the poor.
Led by priests striving for health and holiness
• Priests are supporting one another
• Living in community even if not in the same rectory
• Multiple priests serving one parish together
• On-going formation, mentoring and coaching is provided to diocesan clergy
• Priests are unified with, and accountable to, the Bishop
• A Pastor who has the charism of leadership and has a parish leadership team
• Other priests operate out of their particular charisms and gifts too
Equips and empowers parish staff
• We have hired the best and most competent people
• Every defined critical ministry/role has a competent leader
• Sufficient staff to fulfill the mission
• Paid competitively
• The parish staff is becoming a healthy team aligned to the mission and the vision of the parish
• On-going formation, mentoring and coaching
Makes and Forms Missionary Disciples
• Greater access to Sacraments and devotions
• Sacred Worship that is dynamic and reverent
• Discipleship process that moves people of all ages to
spiritual maturity
• Process to get people serving others according to their gifts
• Vibrant community life
• Commitment to Catholic education
Seeks the Lost and Serves the Poor
• Designated processes to evangelize the local community (adults, young adults, teens and children)
• Prioritizes spiritual and corporal works of mercy in local communities
• Instill shared responsibility by all members for the mission of seeking the lost and serving the poor
• Invested and recognizable in the local community as salt, light, and leaven
• Offers easy and accessible entry points for unbelievers to encounter Christ
This is why we exist! Now we will make a pastoral plan rooted in this vision but made specific and unique to our
God Bless,
Fr. Todd